Confirmation Service

2nd June 2020

Last Sunday (2nd June) the Bishop of Auckland, The Right Reverend Ross Bay, presided over the Confirmation of four of our young people – Neha Joseph, Jordyn Millward, Alaisea Siu and Rosalina Siu. It was a moving and uplifting service as we gathered to support these girls in the very significant step they have taken in their spiritual journey.

Confirmation is the opportunity for us to make a statement about our faith and our commitment to that faith. In essence, it is the confirmation of our baptismal vows, which invariably are made on our behalf. The highlight of the service comes when the Bishop lays his hands on the head of the candidate and invokes the power of the Holy Spirit into their life.

At the conclusion of the service, each candidate was presented with a Bible as a gift from our church. Our congratulations, prayers and very best wishes go out to Neha, Jordyn, Alaisea and Rosalina. They are valued members of our congregation.